Keeping Religion Private
The Keeping Religion Private Movement calls for reimagining and reclaiming religions. This movement endorses a paradigm shift to keeping religious beliefs, observances, and establishments in the private realm similar to the freedom of keeping property private, freedom of rights, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, etc.
Religious thoughts emerge from human consciousness and religions have origins and developments. As a historical entity religions shall have comparative and critical studies during their development. Religion is a matter of subjective experience of human consciousness remaining in the private realm or individual experience. It is possible that religions may misunderstand and reject the observations that this Movement raised against their thinking and actions. Most of the founders of the religions had the same experience while they themselves were founding their philosophy and religions (eg. Christianity developed from Judaism). A call for reimagining and reformation asks for a total change from the existing religious establishments and thinking. Reimagine is continuous and permanent re-inventing of new knowledge on religion.
The Keeping Religion Private Movement discusses not the issue of whether God exists or not, but whether God and religion should exist lest godmen, politicians, and terrorists recreate it inefficiently and faultily.
Seemly, it is an existential need for each religion to “reclaim” its identity and charisma of the religious leaders which are losing due to the onslaught of fake:
1. Godmen – false prophets, eschatologists, apocalypticism, esoteric knowledge, extraterrestrial beings’ influence, eschatological speculation, etc.
2. Politicians – false political discourse, conspiracy theories, ultranationalism, etc.
3. Terrorists – religious fanaticism, fundamentalism, etc
The book critically analyzed the foundations of religions so religious leaders and their followers reimagine or reinterpret beliefs (in God), faiths (in religions), and creeds (dogmatic assertions) for the 21st century. It is possible that religions may misunderstand and reject the observations, which this book raised about their thinking and actions. Most of the founders of the religions had the same experience while they themselves were founding their philosophy and religions.